No matter what stage of motherhood you are in, you are probably faced with making countless decisions for your family every day. One decision that may be particularly difficult to make is whether to undergo mommy makeover to address the physical changes brought about by pregnancy, childbirth and nursing. Many mothers feel uncomfortable in their post-baby bodies and lack the confidence they once had, but have a hard time coming to terms with spending time, money and effort on elective surgery.
Ultimately it is up to you to determine what is in your and your family’s best interests. But as professionals who help women like you on a daily basis, the team at The Plastic Surgery Center encourages you to seriously consider the benefits of mommy makeover. Here are a few reasons why you deserve it.
Exercise and diet can’t tighten loose skin or repair damaged muscles.
Your body endured the greatest transformation to grow and birth your children. Your abdominal skin and muscles stretched out to accommodate a growing baby and your breasts enlarged so you could nurse. Unfortunately, you probably discovered that after having children, your body did not automatically “snap back” to its pre-baby shape or certain parts did not respond to your diet and exercise efforts.
Mommy makeover can help you reclaim your body’s former glory by solving problems that diet and exercise cannot. Most mommy makeovers combine abdominoplasty and breast surgery to remove excess skin and fat, tighten loose tissues and repair stretched-out muscles. Your mommy makeover will be individually tailored to your specific goals to transform your body back to your pre-baby shape, or even improve upon it.
You deserve to accomplish your personal goals.
Mothers pour so much time, money, love and effort into their children. Don’t forget that your goals and desires are important, too. You deserve to give yourself the gift of mommy makeover if it will improve your personal comfort and enhance your confidence.
Happiness and confidence are contagious.
When you look and feel your best, it is impossible not to notice. Your family will soak up your positive outlook and sunny attitude. Being comfortable in your own skin and happy with your appearance sets a great example for your children, teaching them confidence. If you have older children, your mommy makeover experience may spark some productive conversations about self-image.
For the best results and overall experience, find a reputable, skilled plastic surgeon to perform your mommy makeover. The team at The Plastic Surgery Center has performed countless mommy makeovers and would be happy to speak with you about your unique needs and goals. To request an appointment with a member of our team, please contact our practice today.