Do you hate seeing your muffin top while trying on a new pair of jeans? Are you terribly self-conscious of your little belly peeping out from your crop tops even after your countless efforts of tucking it in? And have you tried every diet and exercise routine under the sun and are still struggling with the excessive flab around your tummy that just won’t budge?
Well, if your answer is yes, you are not alone in your battle with the stubborn pot belly that seems to have developed an eternal attachment to you. There are hundreds and thousands of women out there that find it absolutely impossible to get rid of their stomach pooch even after sincere efforts on their part.
The tummy tuck, however, is one effective solution that will not only help you achieve beautiful contours, but also boost your self-confidence and make you feel good in your body.
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
An abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is widely used to eliminate excess stubborn fat and loose skin from the abdomen to create a well-toned tummy. The tummy tuck involves the removal of all fat tissue and skin found in excess around the abdomen and a subsequent tightening of the abdominal muscle wall for achieving a flat and taut tummy.
Contrary to popular belief, a tummy tuck is a fairly different procedure as compared to the traditional liposuction. However, depending upon the requirements of each particular case, your doctor might choose to perform a liposuction in conjunction with the actual tummy tuck as well.
A tummy tuck is essentially a great option for you no matter what your gender, as long as you are in good general health and are experiencing the problem of excess fat deposits and sagging skin around the abdominal area. The procedure is also effective for women who are left with loose abdominal muscles and skin after multiple pregnancies.
Both men and women who lost a significant amount of weight can also opt for a tummy tuck to eliminate the saggy skin that forms after extreme weight loss.
How Is the Tummy Tuck Performed?
There are two types of tummy tuck procedures that you can opt for. One is the complete abdominoplasty and a mini or partial abdominoplasty. While the complete or classic tummy tuck involves a bigger incision along with a reconstruction of the belly button, the mini tummy tuck is usually a better option for people with less extensive needs.
Depending upon the volume and size of the area that needs to be treated, the tummy tuck surgery can take anywhere from one to five hours. More often than not, patients undergoing a complete tummy tuck would be required to spend the night at the hospital for supervision purposes. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia that will put you to sleep for the duration of the surgery.
Although a tummy tuck is a great way to achieve beautiful abdominal contours, it is not a substitute for weight loss. However, with continued exercise and a balanced diet, the body you desire will be well within your reach.
Contact Our Office
Contact the Plastic Surgery Center to learn more about a tummy tuck with a skilled plastic surgeon. Your journey to a well-contoured abdominal area is one consultation away.