Having overly large breasts can sometimes prove to be a pain. Aside from causing you to have a disproportionate body, it can also cause discomfort in the areas around the neck and back. If you feel unhappy with the size of your breasts and are looking to shrink them a few sizes, then a breast reduction surgery may just be what the doctor ordered.

People opt to go through a breast reduction surgery for various reasons. Other than the previously mentioned soreness – one breast may also be slightly larger than the other, thus giving a disproportionate look and feel to your breasts. Some people also have large breasts where the areolas point downwards or they are generally unhappy with the shape of their breasts.

These issues may be unpleasing to the person who has to deal with them on a daily basis. They may cause one to feel insecure about how they look and cause a severe decrease in confidence.

If your breasts are making you unhappy about your appearance or they are causing you to feel constant discomfort when performing your normal activities, then you can opt for a breast reduction surgery. Also known as reduction mammoplasty, this procedure can help give you a more proportionate body.

After undergoing the procedure, you will no longer have to worry about experiencing any kind of pain because of the size of your breasts. You body will look more proportional, your clothes will fit better, and it will help create a happier you.

What You Need to Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

The first and most important thing you need to keep in mind is that you should do your research properly when trying to find a surgeon to perform the procedure. Ideally you should opt for someone who has a proven track record of successful breast reduction surgeries. You also need to sit down with the doctor and discuss exactly what you expect to gain from the surgery.

While talking to your surgeon, you will need to accurately answer questions about your prior medical history. It is extremely important to give a full disclosure regarding your medical history so as to ensure that it does not negatively hamper your treatment.

You need to tell the doctor what you want done with your breasts, so they can give you a realistic estimation of what is possible.

Once everything is set, you can prepare yourself for surgery without being too anxious about the outcome. The breast reduction may take between three to five hours and will be performed in your surgeons medical facility.

To begin, your surgeon will mark incision points on your breasts – a step that is important as the shape of your breasts will change when you lie down. Your surgeon will then make three primary incisions to gain access to the underlying tissues.

Your doctor will then remove excessive breast tissue, skin, and fat deposits after which the nipple and areola are raised to a higher location. The breasts are then properly shaped and the incisions will be closed.

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in undergoing a breast reduction surgery then we can help you. The Plastic Surgery Center has dedicated surgeons who can help anyone achieve their aesthetic goals. Contact our office to schedule a consultation.