Every year, Americans spend millions of dollars on anti-aging products to reverse or slow down signs of aging on the face. But what many forget or fail to realize is that there is another body area that is also prone to premature aging: the neck.
In this blog post, the Plastic Surgery Center discusses common signs of aging on the neck, as well as solutions.
Excess, Loose Skin
As you age, your body produces less collagen, a protein responsible for keeping your skin firm and elastic. This, along with the effects of gravity, causes the skin on the neck to droop. Facelift is a facial rejuvenation procedure that corrects various signs of aging on the face and neck, including lax skin. During facelift, loose skin is excised while the remaining skin and underlying tissues are tightened. The result is a more well defined and smoother jaw and neckline.
Submental Fat (Double Chin)
Considered to be the gold standard in fat removal, liposuction can be used to remove unwanted fat from the neck and underneath the chin that can accumulate over time. By eliminating pockets of fat, liposuction can help create a more balanced overall facial appearance, not to mention a better-defined neckline. Many patients choose to combine facelift with liposuction for more transformative results.
Neck Bands
Neck bands, which are the noticeable horizontal lines that form on the neck, are an issue that can plague individuals of all ages and sizes. Our team can minimize their appearance with Botox. Made of botulinum toxin, Botox is an injectable product that relaxes the muscles to smooth out the lines and creases on the overlying skin. Botox is safe and effective on the neck, and results typically last three to four months.
Wrinkles, Age Spots and Other Sun Damage
Years of unprotected sun exposure can take a toll on the delicate skin on the neck and décolletage. As you age, you may begin to notice wrinkles and age spots forming. For these and other signs of sun damage, our team may recommend photorejuvenation, a minimally invasive treatment that uses intense pulsed light to stimulate the body’s collagen production and create tighter, firmer, and healthier skin. Photorejuvenation is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and desired results.
To discuss your aesthetic needs and goals with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, please schedule a consultation with The Plastic Surgery Center. Contact our office by calling or emailing us today.